* СD *
Flowing Rivers, Shadow Dancing,After Dark
Имя исполнителя/ группы:
Andy Gibb
Музыкальный жанр/ стиль: Pop, Dance
Дата записи/ выхода: 1977-1980
Всего треков: 3 CD
Выпущен фирмой: Polydor – 539 921-2,Polydor – 847 916-2,Reprise Records – WPCR-15161
Файл раздачи: flac16/44
Вес архива: 756mb
1977 - Flowing Rivers
01. I Just Want to be Your Everything (3:48)
02. Words and Music (4:41)
03. Dance to the Light of the Morning (3:21)
04. Too Many Looks in Your Eyes (4:15)
05. Starlight (3:36)
06. (Love is) Thicker Than Water (4:19)
07. Flowing Rivers (3:37)
08. Come Home for the Winter (4:05)
09. Let It Be Me (3:35)
10. In the End (3:19)
01. I Just Want to be Your Everything (3:48)
02. Words and Music (4:41)
03. Dance to the Light of the Morning (3:21)
04. Too Many Looks in Your Eyes (4:15)
05. Starlight (3:36)
06. (Love is) Thicker Than Water (4:19)
07. Flowing Rivers (3:37)
08. Come Home for the Winter (4:05)
09. Let It Be Me (3:35)
10. In the End (3:19)
1978 - Shadow Dancing
01. Shadow Dancing (4:36)
02. Why (4:32)
03. Fool For a Night (3:23)
04. An Everlasting Love (4:10)
05. (Our Love) Don't Throw It All Away (4:10)
06. One More Look at The Night (3:47)
07. Melody (4:04)
08. I Go For You (4:19)
09. Good Feeling (3:49)
10. Waiting For You (4:13)
01. Shadow Dancing (4:36)
02. Why (4:32)
03. Fool For a Night (3:23)
04. An Everlasting Love (4:10)
05. (Our Love) Don't Throw It All Away (4:10)
06. One More Look at The Night (3:47)
07. Melody (4:04)
08. I Go For You (4:19)
09. Good Feeling (3:49)
10. Waiting For You (4:13)
1980 - After Dark
01. After Dark (4:23)
02. Desire (4:31)
03. Wherever You Are (4:32)
04. Warm Ride (3:36)
05. Rest Your Love on Me [with Olivia Newtom-John] (5:00)
06. I Can't Help It [with Olivia Newtom-John] (4:09)
07. One Love (4:09)
08. Someone I Ain't (3:13)
09. Falling in Love With You (4:16)
10. Dreamin' On (3:52)
01. After Dark (4:23)
02. Desire (4:31)
03. Wherever You Are (4:32)
04. Warm Ride (3:36)
05. Rest Your Love on Me [with Olivia Newtom-John] (5:00)
06. I Can't Help It [with Olivia Newtom-John] (4:09)
07. One Love (4:09)
08. Someone I Ain't (3:13)
09. Falling in Love With You (4:16)
10. Dreamin' On (3:52)
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